"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - William Shakespeare

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Final Poetry Assignment

Your final writing piece for this class is a 12 lined poem that will be based off of Shakespeare’s monologue from his final play called “The Tempest.” The speech is given from a man who is about to leave an island he has been living on for 15 years as he realizes all things must come to an end and he must return to his homeland. The speech is also supposed to reflect Shakespeare’s retirement from the stage and from being a playwright since this was the last play he ever wrote.

Our revels[1] now are ended. These our actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits and

Are melted into air, into thin air:

And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,

The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,

The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

Yea, all which it inherit[2], shall dissolve

And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,

Leave not a rack[3] behind. We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded[4] with a sleep.



·         12 lines. Your poem must begin with the line “Our revels now are ended,” and should reflect on your experience in high school (or as a student overall) and the fact that you are leaving this place and this experience as an adolescent behind.

·         Your poem must be written in iambic pentameter (10 syllables per line), although whether you want to write it in blank verse or have it rhyme is entirely up to you.

·         You may not have language degrading individuals from the school (students or teachers: no bullying in meter), but feel free to reflect on both positive and negative experiences if you want to.

·         Decide what mood or message you want to send. Is this a bittersweet ending to your high school career? Or is it more defined? Will you miss certain people, classes, qualities of your adolescence? Are you excited of what is to come? What is the biggest impact this change is having on you?

[1]revels”- entertainment/ festivities.
[2]all which it inherit”- all who occupy it
[3]rack”- wisp of cloud
[4]rounded”- surrounded, crowned with

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

ÒWhat did you learn about yourself as a writer?

ÉWhat did you get out of this year from Senior Writing Seminar? What struggles did you come across? What accomplishments were you most proud of? Where do you still need to improve? What literature affected you in any way?

ÒWhen thinking holistically (across the entire year and over all the writing assignments we have ever done), how has your thinking process changed when you sit down to write? In what ways do you want your writing skills to shape your future?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Short Story Assignment

The writing piece that will be turned in with your portfolio is a short story and will fall under the content divider of “Creative Writing.”

You can choose to make this a mock Hemingway or a mock Chopin writing assignment where you try to mimic their own writing style and plot development.

The requirements are as follows:

o   Minimum of 700 words and a limit of 1200 words

o   You must choose one narration style and stick with it (first person, third person omniscient, third person limited, third person objective).

o   You must incorporate some dialogue into your piece in it must be used correctly.

o   You must incorporate setting into your piece and make it reflect the mood of the plot. (Use one form of figurative language. Similes are good!).

o   You must have some form of plot development (This is of course is rather vague, but give your short story meaning and emphasize it. What do you want to convey?)


It helps to use autobiographical elements in a work of fiction. What is a setting you spend a lot of time at and have strong feelings about?



What kinds of people do you want your characters to be like? Who are dominant characters in your own life who you have already given much thought about?



What kinds of conversations could these people have? What would this display about life (the inability for humans to communicate effectively? Irony in life? Awkward misunderstandings? Joy from accomplishment? Humor in tragedy? Pain in tragedy? Annoyance from childhood obsessions?)

End of Year Portfolio

In order to document the thrilling past year in English 12, you will compile a Senior Writing Portfolio which will include the impressive essays you have completed from your senior year along with the reflective write ups.

Requirements are the following:

1)      Cover Page with title

2)      Letter to the reader

3)      Table of Contents

4)      Intro: Partner Writing Process Piece

5)      Research Essay

6)      Reflective Writing Essay

7)      Literature Analysis: Hamlet

8)      Extended Definition

9)      AWPE

10)  Literature Review

11)  Creative Writing: Mock Short Story

12)  Reflective Write Ups

13)  Conclusion: Poetry (This tab will be empty until 5/31, but it still needs to be included)

Each writing piece must have a content divider created for it with a short paragraph explaining your topic selection, the essay’s purpose, and your writing process.

Your mock short story piece will be turned in with this portfolio for a possible 50 points.

The remainder of the Portfolio will be worth 40 points.