"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - William Shakespeare

Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday 2/17

Hello students,

Sadly I am sick today and unable to come to class, but I am sure all will go smoothly during this period. Please make sure to turn in your dialectic essay in the cardboard box at the front of the room. You will then have the remainder of the period to work on your research paper.

For today, I recommend answering the essential question of the assignment: Why is your poet an important artist? To begin answering this question, simply start writing out some sentences that incorporate the ideas from both the critical research you have collected and also your own analysis of the selected poem. Hopefully, there are multiple answers (or sub-answers) as to why this poet is an important artist. It also helps if these sub-answers can easily connect to elements of the specific poem you are analyzing. Once you have a firm answer to this essential question, you may begin to see an outline or an organizational structure of the essay take shape. For example:

I. Intro
II. Background of Poet
III. First Sub-Answer to Essential Question
IV. Second Sub-Answer to Essential Question
V. Third Sub-Answer to Essential Question
VI. Detailed Analysis of the Specific Poem (connect with sub-answers)
VII. Conclusion

Thursday, February 2, 2017

More Databases!!

In EBSCOhost, you will also have access to three other useful databases:

High School Resources

Advanced High School Resources

Literary Reference Center Plus

If you return to the DHS Library page, you can also access our local Yolo County library database called General OneFile

This does require a Yolo Library County Barcode (which is free to get since membership to a public library is free - I recommend getting a card). But there is also an easy workaround to gaining access to the general one file without a library card. Just email me if you need more information on the workaround.