"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - William Shakespeare

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Victorian Novel Research Paper

Whether you are reading Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre, both of these Victorian Era novels are rich with social, political, religious, cultural, psychological, and historical connections. For this unit you will choose a topic of interest that connects with your book-club novel. As you read the novel, try to understand the author’s text through the lens of this topic.

 You will then explore the background of this topic by reading secondary and primary source materials and reflecting upon how you can organize these outside sources with your own analysis of the novel. After compiling your ideas and information from these sources, craft a thesis-driven research paper that connects your topic with the text of your Victorian-era novel.  

This assignment is fairly open-ended and will require much thought on your part of how to organize your ideas and execute this written product. Remember that this is a Literary Research Paper, meaning that your topic must connect to the specifics of the text you are reading.          

Due on Turnitin.com by 10:00pm on April 19th

  • 4-6 Pages plus a Works Cited Page - all in MLA Format.
  • At least two scholarly outside sources. (You will probably want to use more sources than this)
  •  Formal writing style. No I, me, you, or us.
  • Quotes: You may use up to two non-blocked quotes from the outside sources. Quotes cannot be longer than three lines of text. (Quotes of outside sources should only be used if they are absolutely crucial to conveying your point. Most of the time you will want to rely on paraphrasing).
  • Citations: You must use MLA in-text citations for all quotes and paraphrasing that is done.
Mr. Achimore’s Advice

Choose a topic that allows you to both examine outside sources thoroughly and analyze and discuss specific aspects of the text. That way, you will have plenty of information to talk about for four pages.

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