"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - William Shakespeare

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Creative Poetry Assignment

For your final poetry assignment of the year, you will choose one poem from the Victorian or Modern Era units that you find particularly intriguing and you will represent it in a  more artistic and personal manner. This is due May 15th. The three project options include:
    ·         Creating a painting that represents a line or a major idea of the poem.
    ·         Creating a voice-over video that highlights the topic or theme of the poem (this may include two people).
    ·         Writing a two-page analytical/personal reflection essay about the poem.

Possible poems include:

·         Tennyson:
o   Ulysses
o   Crossing the Bar
·         R. Browning:
o   Prospice
·         Hopkins:
o   Pied Beauty
o   Spring
o   God’s Grandeur
·         Hardy:
o   The Man He Killed
o   Hap
o   Neutral Tones
·         E. Browning:
o   The Cry of the Children
·         Arnold:
o   Dover Beach
·         Yeats:
o   When you are old
o   The Lake Isle of Innisfree
o   The Song of Wandering Aengus
o   September 1913
o   Easter 1916
o   The Second Coming
·         T.S. Eliot:
o   The Waste Land
·         W.H. Auden:
o   As I Walked Out One Evening
·         Dylan Thomas:
o   Do Not Got Gentle into that Good Night

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