"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - William Shakespeare

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

British Literature Final Study Guide

What to review:

·         Poetic and Literary Terms:
o   Prose
o   Verse
o   Alliteration
o   Chivalric Literature
o   Elegiac
o   Iambic Pentameter
o   Symbolism
o   Allusion
o   Imagery
o   Sonnet
o   Ode
o   Meter
o   Couplet
o   Heroic Couplet
o   Blank Verse
o   Monologue
o   Soliloquy
o   Foil
o   Sublime
o   Romanticism
o   Naturalism
o   Realism
o   Satire
o   Stream of Consciousness
o   Dystopian Literature

     ·         Literary Periods of British Literature
     ·         Important soliloquies and monologues from Hamlet
     ·         Famous lines from Hamlet
     ·         Important characters from Hamlet and The Tempest
     ·         Important facts about the play Hamlet and The Tempest
     ·         Important poets of the Romantic, Victorian, and Modern Eras
     ·         Characteristics of the Victorian Era
     ·         Novelists of the Victorian Era
     ·         Grammar Tips from Mr. Achimore
     ·         Obvious Brave New World plot points

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