"I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it." - William Shakespeare

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Unit One Outline

Block Period
Reflective Write-Up #2

Beowulf Reading Activity.

HW: Wanderer, Dream of the Rood, Wife’s Lament
College Essays.

Discuss Anglo Saxon poems.

HW: College Essay draft for Tuesday

HW: Medieval Period Intro
Medieval Lit Notes and Poetry

HW: Read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight for Thursday
Thursday: Discuss Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

College Essays

Friday: Canterbury Tales Prologue Assignment
No School
College Essay Writing
Work Shop

HW: Read Franklin’s Tale for Wednesday
College Essays.

Discuss Franklin's Tale.

HW: Read Wife of Bath Prologue for Monday
Collect College Essay Rough Draft

Mock CT Prologue Assignment


HW: Mock CT Prologue Assignment Due Wednesday
9/14- 9/18
Descriptive Writing

Reflective Write Up #3

HW: .
Final drafts of college essays 
Descriptive Writing part 2.

Reflective Write Up #4

Discuss Wife of Bath Prologue

HW: Read Wife of Bath Tale for Test
Turn in Mock CT Prologue Assignment

Intro to Renaissance/ Shakespeare

Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Lit Test

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